Our Houses


Sr. Maria Goretti was born on 16th October 1890 AD Sh. The Gorottian House, was dedicated to Maria Goretti. They celebrate their feast on 5th of September. She was an exemplary character  that we can learn a lot from her life, it can be mentioned that the purity of young life is protected even in the face of all challenges,  death, helping her younger brothers and sisters, taking care of them, practicing habits from childhood to contribute to her family responsibilities to some extent, etc.


The Cecili House is dedicated to Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of music. There are many examples that can be taken from the life of St. Cecilia. Through kindness, she leads those around her to the true faith, faced them happily even in painful and oppressive moments. She was faithful to the promises of life and dared to accept even if she had to sacrifice her life for the true faith.


Since it is dedicated to St. Agnes, and to commemorate the annual feast day of the house , it is celebrated on 21st of January. Love to God, Loyalty In the midst of all troubles and hardships, constant prayer was a part of her life, giving a special loving respect to the Holy Eucharist, and through it, she enriched her life. Mass was a special part of their lives.  St. Agnus,  who dedicated her entire life to the Christian Lord as a very pious woman, It is no secret that all the daughters of the house are going to achieve their goal with great dedication and courage, taking st. Agnes life as an example


First of October is the feast day of the Theres House which was dedicated to Saintfield Theresa, who was born on 2nd of January 1873. Schoolgirls can get many great role models from her life. Carrying out even a very small responsibility with great care, treating her adoptive parents and teachers with respect,  leading to God at every moment are some of the examples that can be taken from her life. The inter-house sports event and the celebration of  house were occasions to develop the students' interest in their house. They tend to work tirelessly day and night for the success of their house.





 From Foots Steps Magazine (Ms. Priyanka Janet)